The 411 on Shopping Zero Waste.

  • Always remember your grocery totes. If you forgot them at home request a cardboard box or paper bags.
  • Refuse to buy packaged produce. Look for produce without sticker and ties and buy the single bananas.
  • Source reusable produce bags or simply put items in your cart and on the conveyor belt – it all gets washed before eating… right?
  • Get acquainted with the bulk section of your local grocer. While you may find a lot of grains and snack foods here, you may have to find a specialty bulk store for pasta, flours, less common grains and bulk liquids.
  • Frequent a local bakery, butcher, bulk store and cheese shop that will fill your personal bags/containers with their product.
  • Look for milk and yogurt in returnable glass bottles.
  • Investigate if your area as an eco soap store to refill home cleaning and beauty products.
  • Speak up. If your local grocer does not carry milk in returnable glass bottles (for example), find the manager and voice your request. Your opinion matters.
  • Most importantly, do not get discouraged. You will encounter a “No” or two along the way. Be persistent and do not give up.


Now, check out our Zero Waste City Guides below.


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