READ HERE : A Year of My Family’s Trash Fits into 1 Jar. By Katelin Leblond, featured Earth Day 2016 in MINDBODYGREEN
READ HERE: 35 ways to indulge that wont leave you with a twinge of guilt. Paredown = Maximal Minimalist.
LISTEN HERE: To Katelin’s and Tara’s one-year follow-up interview with Pamela McCall of CFAX 1070. * Starts at 30 minute mark.*
LISTEN HERE: to Katelin’s interview with Sheryl MacKay on New Years Resolutions to reduce consumption.
WATCH HERE: Katelin and Tara’s one year follow-up interview with CTV Island News.
READ HERE: The fantastic article written by Kathrine Martinko on how our families made it one year without emptying our trash jar.
READ HERE : Canadians Can Stop Being The World’s Worst Waste Generators. Written by Sustainability Consultant to Huffington Post Carl Duivenvoorden Feb. ’16
READ HERE: 5 Lessons From Two Women Who Crammed a Year of Trash Into 2 Pickle Jars. By Angela Mulholland CTV National News.


READ HERE: Katelin’s Zero Waste Bathroom Blog Featured on ONE GREEN PLANET
LISTEN HERE: to Katelin & Tara’s tips for Green Parenting on CBC with Gloria Macarenko. Aug. 2015
READ HERE: the article written on Green Parenting Tips. By Jennifer Chen, CBC News.
READ HERE: Garbage Nation:Why two women want to help Canadians stop piling up the trash. By Sophia Harris CBC National Business News. Sept ’15
LISTEN HERE: To Katelin’s interview with Robyn Burns of CBC Radio One’s All Points West. June ’15
WATCH HERE:  Katelin & Tara’s first TV Interview with Louise Hartland of CTV Island News. June ’15

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