The Safety Razor: A Stainless Steal

There are a lot of zero waste swaps that you can make while transitioning to a low-waste lifestyle. Many of these changes have HUGE financial savings! One of my fave swaps was ditching my plastic razor and disposable blades for a safety razor and stainless steel...

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Forget Failure. Why You Should Too.

Hello, everyone! I want to talk about something that has been irking me lately. It's this little word that we use so frequently on social media that, I think, does more damage than good. It is the word, FAIL. In my social media bubble of Zero Wasters, Minimalists,...

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Zero Waste Mother’s Day

I am not sure if I am writing this blog more for my wonderful, proof-reader husband *wink wink*, or the Zero Waste community. Either way, it's a win win!Celebrations and gift giving are difficult adjustments for anyone living Zero Waste. Marketing today tells us that...

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Top Ten Zero Waste Product and Lifestyle Swaps

  My top 10 Zero Waste product and lifestyle swaps to replace single use items and unsustainable habits. Essential Oils If you goal is to get as close as you can to Zero Waste then becoming acquainted with essential oils is a must.  I use essential oils daily in the...

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Zero Waste Mulligan List

If you follow my blog regularly, you know that I promote the idea that Zero Waste is an aspirational goal, a concept to build your life around and to provide guidance for minimizing the footprint you and your family are leaving on the environment. What Zero Waste is...

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All Natural Deodorant

Let's talk body odour, more specifically, armpits!I’ve always struggled with using deodorant and antiperspirants.  Here’s the question that always rang in my head: Is this product I’ve been putting on my skin everyday (sometimes twice a day) for over twenty years...

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Dangerously Delicious Vegan Coffee Creamer

Drinking coffee for me was never a daily occurrence, it was an activity paired with Sunday brunch or a walk and talk date with a girlfriend. However, my husband's nine-month deployment overseas changed everything. I received an eye-opening glimpse into the world of a...

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Zero Waste Finances. Show Me The Money!

A young journalist interested in the Zero Waste lifestyle contacted me a few months ago to ask if she could follow our family for a day for an article she was writing.Of course, I said yes.I will take advantage of any opportunity to demonstrate that our life differs...

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Zero Waste Laundry

I cannot make your laundry disappear altogether, but I can certainly reduce the amount of time you spend doing it!Zero Waste Series! This series' focus will be on specific areas in your home and life – how to begin the shift to Zero Waste or, at the very least, less...

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Lessons in the Pursuit of Zero Waste

I can hardly believe that January 2017 marks the beginning of our family's fourth year of pursuing Zero Waste by living with less. Looking back over the previous three years I am proud of how far we have come, but I continue to encounter important lessons along the...

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Zero Waste Freezer

Of all the potential Zero Waste topics people are interested in, I find it bizarre that the freezer seems to be one of the areas people ask me about the most. That being said, ask, and ye shall receive! Canadian households send over 15 million pounds of food to...

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Gratitude – An Unexpected Benefit of Zero Waste

It is normal to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of any significant life decision before committing one way or another. For me, the potential positives of Zero Waste far outweighed the potential negatives. But the greatest outcome for me has been an unexpected...

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Natural Zero Waste Sunscreen

If Zero Waste, chemical free, water resistant sunscreen is important to you, then our updated a recipe is a keeper. Our previous sunscreen recipe did require some serious rubbing in and often left us feeling like Casper the ghost -- but it worked. However, as it came...

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Bokashi Compost – Food Waste’s Best Friend

Summer 2016 Zero Waste conundrum solved! Thank You Bokashi Living. As I counted down the months to our family's cross country move this summer my greatest concern was how I was going to succeed at Zero Waste without a kitchen (or access to compost) for three weeks!...

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Zero Waste Tips for Getting Started

Is it possible to live Zero Waste without sacrificing your quality of life? Is it possible to adopt Zero Waste without needing to overhaul your consumption habits? The short answer to both questions is, Yes! Set your own pace We realize that our interpretation of Zero...

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The Case For Zero Waste Birthdays

It's March...uhhhhh, wait April (well, at least I started this blog in March) and on the west coast cherry blossoms are bursting throughout the city signifying Spring's arrival. For parents of small children (like us), who've temporarily lost the ability to stop and...

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Zero Waste 2.0 – Gone Vegan

So first off, Happy New Year everyone! It has certainly been too long since our last post – so long that I feel rusty.  Life for us over the past few months has been busy and ever-changing – but that is what life is though, right?! There are a number of reasons for...

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