About Katelin
So here’s the short version: I am a chocoholic, wine loving, quirky (with a capitol Q) Mama of two and wife to a Royal Canadian Air Force Officer whose career keeps us on the move across this amazing country and beyond. My life and career didn’t always revolve around sustainability, I used to be a shopaholic, non composting, take-out coffee cup enthusiast. However, as I approached my thirties something shifted and after having children I began actively seeking ways to be more sustainable. PAREdown was born out of my desire to do what I can as an individual to reduce my impact on our precious spinning blue planet. For me, it’s about personal accountability and choosing to do what I can today in an effort to have no regrets in the future.
As my little family embarks on our third move (Brussels, Belgium) since our Zero Waste journey started it is my hope to establish new communities of people who want to “geek out” together on Zero Waste! Anyone out there reading this? Let’s hang! Maybe you can show me where to find ALL the bulk chocolate! To read more about my journey to Zero Waste click here.