About PAREdown

Zero Waste Living

The concept for PAREdown started back in early 2014.  It was born out of our mutual desire to devote our time to something meaningful.  “What if” was a question we began contemplating.  What if we could change our lifestyle in ways that would allow us to: save money, reduce our carbon footprint, stay at home with our children while they are young, and, ultimately, to support positive change in our community and the planet by championing Zero Waste?  What if these changes resulted in increased happiness and a greater sense of purpose?  Three and a half years later it feels great to write that adopting the Zero Waste lifestyle and philosophy has enabled us to achieve all of the above.

Living Zero Waste sounds drastic, even hard-core, but we assure you it’s not. Once you establish new routines and adopt a philosophy of simplicity this lifestyle will reward you. Watch our explainer video below on how our journey began.

The Zero Waste movement is in its infancy , but it’s gaining momentum and growing quickly.  Cultivating a community to support those taking the Zero Waste journey is what PAREdown is all about.  With this understanding, we are growing the number of contributors to PAREdown Blog. Canada is BIG and our individual success can be limited by any number of factors: climate, access to resources, finances and family dynamics, to name a few. Our goal is to include contributing voices from across Canada, so that you might find a Zero Waster you can relate to. We will introduce our contributors and their personal story here on the About PAREdown page as well across our social media, so sign up for our monthly newsletter below and be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. If you are working towards Zero Waste and want to contribute to the community drop Katelin a line Here.

About Katelin

So here’s the short version: I am a chocoholic, wine loving, quirky (with a capitol Q) Mama of two and wife to a Royal Canadian Air Force Officer whose career keeps us on the move across this amazing country and beyond. My life and career didn’t always revolve around sustainability, I used to be a shopaholic, non composting, take-out coffee cup enthusiast. However, as I approached my thirties something shifted and after having children I began actively seeking ways to be more sustainable. PAREdown was born out of my desire to do what I can as an individual to reduce my impact on our precious spinning blue planet. For me, it’s about personal accountability and choosing to do what I can today in an effort to have no regrets in the future.

As my little family embarks on our third move (Brussels, Belgium) since our Zero Waste journey started it is my hope to establish new communities of people who want to “geek out” together on Zero Waste! Anyone out there reading this? Let’s hang! Maybe you can show me where to find ALL the bulk chocolate! To read more about my journey to Zero Waste click here.

About Tara

Tara is co-founder of the blog PAREdown, she lives in Victoria, British Columbia with her husband, three children, and their dog, Hudson. Tara made significant contributions to PAREdown blog and social media during the first years but has since decided to step away from the social sharing aspects Zero Waste to focus her attention on other matters close to her heart. My favourite quote of Tara’s is, “Big changes start with small choices.” If everyone embraced this message with the same tenacity as Tara, climate change would be an unknown phrase.

About “Mindfully Sustainable” Tara

My journey to Zero Waste living is relatively recent but I have always wanted to have a positive impact on the environment. Through my adventures across the globe – to places like New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Poland, England, and the United States – I have seen the direct impacts of human consumption. A consistent issue I have come across everywhere has been trash. When I came across the Zero Waste movement, I knew it was the perfect solution to reduce my waste impact.
The Zero Waste movement is an ideal way to create positive environmental change because it can happen at all levels – individuals, communities, businesses, and governments! Literally everyone and anyone can get involved to reduce our collective ecological footprint. Based on my experience minimizing my trash (with a husband and dog in tow), I have joined PAREdown to write about the Zero Waste lifestyle from a millennial perspective. Thanks for coming along on this journey, and welcome to the PAREdown community! To get to know me a bit better read more here.

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