Drinking coffee for me was never a daily occurrence, it was an activity paired with Sunday brunch or a walk and talk date with a girlfriend. However, my husband’s nine-month deployment overseas changed everything. I received an eye-opening glimpse into the world of a single-parent (R.E.S.P.E.C.T – I can hear Aretha singing it now), at the time my children were eight months old and two years old, we also have a large dog, and a house and everything required my attention. Good-bye sanity, hello full-blown coffee addict.
After giving up dairy, my love for coffee waned. I tried making almond milk “creamer” with zero success; I cannot seem to achieve the same thickness as the store-bought brands. I also tried drinking my coffee black, making it into an espresso, or adding a bit of sugar. Nothing I did to my coffee could rival the intense pleasure I use to receive from adding 10 % cream…..sigh.
I was beginning to contemplate giving up coffee altogether.
It only took a few early morning wake-ups at 5:45 am courtesy of my darling daughter to set me straight. I was determined to come up with a non-dairy solution to my Zero Waste coffee woes that didn’t involve a daily visit to my favourite barista down the street.
A few Google searches, a messy kitchen and only one or two cock-ups, I am pleased to share that this Mama is back in love with her coffee. To all of you, Zero Wasters out there trying to reduce your consumption of animal products give this a try – the only challenge is trying to use this strictly for coffee. I have been known to walk around the house eating this straight out of the jar…dangerous, seriously dangerous!
1/2 Cup Dutch Cocoa
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Maple Syrup
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
There is no real method to follow with this recipe; I like to simply mix everything in a larger measuring cup or container and store it in a smaller jar – Bonne Maman jam jars are a perfect size.
Depending on the time of year you may wish to heat your coconut oil slightly; this will allow you to incorporate it with the other ingredients more easily.
If you live in a warmer climate, you may also wish to store the “creamer” in a cool place to avoid separation.
So there you have it, the “creamer” that saved my relationship with coffee — Phew!!